Keeping it simple: My 15 minute daily ritual.
Do you often take the time to revist yourself? For quite sometime, I neglected my daily Sadhana (spiritual practice) because I felt like I didn’t have enough time or the “right conditions”. I thought that I needed to spend at least an hour on my yoga mat or in meditation to make it worthwhile. However, I have come to know that this was an unrealistic and limiting belief that prevented me from stepping into my inner-landscape. When this came into my awareness, I knew that a shift was needed and my approach to my self practice was now to keep it simple and approachable for the season of life I am in.
I have come to discover that consistency is more important than duration, and that showing up for myself every day creates a ripple effect of positive change and lasting transformation. So, after much trial and error, I want to share with you my current 15-minute ritual (please know that this will always evolve and change) that I do to start or end the day, and invite you to try it for yourself.
5 minutes of movement
This is not about exercising, but rather, attuning to the nuances of the body and honoring its needs. I roll out my mat, usually start in child’s pose, and then move intuitively to explore the edges, remove the edginess from sleeping or sitting, and awaken as many cells as possible. Sometimes, I take a mindful walk with my dog and enjoy the fresh air and nature. The key is to use my body as an anchor to bring me back to myself. You can try any kind of movement that feels good for you, such as shaking, rolling on the floor, stretching, or jumping.
5 minutes of meditation
This is about sitting quietly (and not always in complete stillness) and letting the mind settle. I find a comfortable position, sit tall on a bolster or cross-legged in my favorite chair, and focus on the rhythmic pulse of my breath. There are many different meditation techniques that I use, but the one that I prefer is just allowing the thoughts to come and practicing non-attachment and more importantly non-judgement. Overtime, I begin to dance into the space between the thoughts and watch as it expands. For days I feel called for support, I use insight timer which has boundless FREE guided meditations. HERE is one of my favourites.
5 minutes of journaling
This is a time for expressing and clarifying my thoughts and feelings. I set a timer for 5 minutes and do what I call “The brain dump”, where I write whatever comes to mind, without stopping or editing. This helps me release any mental clutter and create some space in my head. Then, I take some time to reflect on what I wrote, see what patterns or questions emerge, and use them as journal prompts to go deeper or to inspire my writing for the next day.
Since i’ve dedicated to this practice…
Through this daily ritual, I’ve more than ever, begun to nurture a deep sense of connection – with myself, with others, and with the world around me.
To be honest, it often extends beyond the given time, and I allow myself to enjoy it when I have the flexibility in my schedule. But I also know that I would resist starting if I set a goal of doing a 30-minute meditation. That’s just me.
I feel that I move through the day with more awareness, intention, and gratitude, but more importantly, aligned with myself.
I invite you to try this ritual for yourself and see how it changes your mood and mindset. You can also share it with your friends and family who might benefit from it.
Recalibrate: An Urban Day Retreat
If you want to learn more about meditation, movement, journaling and other practices that can enhance your well-being, you should join me for Recalibrate: An Urban Day Retreat. It’s a one-day event where you will experience:
✨ Flowing yoga practice: Asana (Poses) & Pranayama (Breathing)
✨ Wholesome lunch, snacks and refreshments designed for nourishment
✨ Embodied Intention Setting workshop
✨ Community and Connection: A safe circle for mindful conversation
✨ Yoga Nidra and sound bowl experience
It’s a perfect opportunity to reconnect with yourself, recharge your energy, and recalibrate and find what rituals or practices you might like to infuse regularly into your life . Spaces are limited, so book your spot today and get ready to transform yourself from the inside out.
With heartfelt love,